Transform Your Life: Embrace What You Love

Transform Your Life: Embrace What You Love

If you had to put a percentage to it, what portion of your life is filled with the things you love?  The people you love to be with?  The activities and work you love to do?  The hobbies and interests that bring you a great sense of peace, joy, and satisfaction?

For me, I'd say 75% on a rough day and 90-93% on a typical good day with those days encompassing about 93% of my life right now in general.

It wasn't always this high, for sure!  But, I have worked for it.

Did you know that you can have a better quality of life, no matter, what your circumstances, by changing the way you think, the choices you make, and the things you do?  It's true!

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is built on this premise and is an evidence-based scientific theory, but even more important than CBT's proven track-record, is God's. 

The Bible tells us:

Proverbs 4:23 says: 
"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

This verse emphasizes the importance of protecting our inner thoughts and feelings, as they shape our actions and overall life.

Romans 12:2 says:
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

This verse encourages the transformation of our lives through the renewal of our minds, aligning our thoughts with God's will.

Philippians 4:8
"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

This verse directs us to focus our thoughts on positive and virtuous things, which can lead to a more fulfilling and righteous life.

God cares about the quality of your thoughts, your actions, and your daily life!

Check out this week's podcast on this topic here: 

Fun & Flourish: The Connection Between Enjoyment & Mental Health

Here are 21 new hobby ideas along with their benefits:

Benefits: Reduces stress, promotes physical activity, and improves mood through connection with nature.

Benefits: Encourages creativity, improves nutrition, and provides a sense of accomplishment.

Benefits: Enhances observation skills, fosters creativity, and preserves memories.

Playing a Musical Instrument
Benefits: Improves cognitive function, enhances concentration, and provides emotional expression.

Benefits: Boosts creativity, improves fine motor skills, and offers relaxation.

Benefits: Enhances flexibility, reduces stress, and improves overall physical health.

Benefits: Increases cardiovascular health, provides stress relief, and connects with nature.

Benefits: Improves mental clarity, enhances communication skills, and provides emotional outlet.

Benefits: Reduces anxiety, improves concentration, and creates a tangible product.

Benefits: Encourages outdoor activity, increases patience, and enhances observation skills.

Learning a New Language
Benefits: Improves cognitive function, enhances cultural understanding, and boosts memory.

Benefits: Promotes cardiovascular health, reduces stress, and provides an enjoyable way to explore new areas.

Benefits: Provides a sense of purpose, strengthens community ties, and boosts mental well-being.

DIY Crafting
Benefits: Encourages creativity, improves problem-solving skills, and provides satisfaction from creating something unique.

Scripture Meditation
Benefits: Reduces stress, improves focus, and enhances emotional well-being.

Model Building
Benefits: Improves attention to detail, enhances problem-solving skills, and provides a sense of accomplishment.

Benefits: Expands knowledge of the universe, encourages outdoor activity, and stimulates curiosity.

Benefits: Provides relaxation, enhances patience, and offers a connection with nature.

Benefits: Promotes physical fitness, boosts mood, and enhances social interaction.

Collecting (e.g., stamps, coins)
Benefits: Encourages research and learning, provides a sense of achievement, and fosters patience.

Cooking International Cuisine
Benefits: Expands culinary skills, introduces new cultures, and provides a fun social activity

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