Being from Pittsburgh, Mr. Rogers is practically as well respected as the Steelers or Penguins teams (our poor Pirates get no respect). So, not only do I love me some Mr. Rogers wisdom, but I love his backstory.
As a child, Fred Rogers was very in touch with his feelings, and when scary news came up, his mother would tell him to, "Look for the Helpers." It was a way to divert his attention to those who were doing good rather than the things or people who were causing the bad things.
I love this concept. Where we place our focus can darken our life view or bring about light and joy. We get to choose.
The other thing that I like about this is that I am thankful to have found many helpers in my community. In fact, this week's podcast episode is about my run in with a "do-gooder" at a local Dollar Tree store. You can listen to that by Clicking Here.
I also found some very appreciated "do-gooders" on Thursday evening last week when I had my husband drive me to the Emergency Room for the treatment of intense, day-long stomach pains. The care I received was stellar (as I mentioned, I live in the 'Burgh -- a place known for ketchup, sports teams, medical hospitals galore, tech, and banking ventures), and in no time, I was diagnosed with gastritis, medicated, and sent home feeling so much better!
When you feel down or need a hand, I hope you'll "look for the helpers." And, consider being one of them whenever you can. We all need help in this world, and God gave us each other.
How can I help you? Feel free to leave me a voice message through Clicking This Link and leaving your mental health and/or spiritual questions, and I'll be happy to help by answering it in an upcoming podcast for you! Or, send me an email with your prayer request: michelle@mentalhealthforchristianwomen.com
In His Love,