Accepting Help, Looking for Help, Being the Helpers
Being from Pittsburgh, Mr. Rogers is practically as well respected as the Steelers or Penguins teams (our poor Pirates get no respect).  So, not only do I love me some Mr. Rogers wisdom, but I love his backstory.  

As a child, Fred Rogers was very in touch with his feelings, and when scary news came up, his mother would tell him to, "Look for the Helpers."  It was a way to divert his attention to those who were doing good rather than the things or people who were causing the bad things.

I love this concept.  Where we place our focus can darken our life view or bring about light and joy.   We get to choose.

The other thing that I like about this is that I am thankful to have found many helpers in my community.  In fact, this week's podcast episode is about my run in with a "do-gooder" at a local Dollar Tree store.  You can listen to that by Clicking Here.

I also found some very appreciated "do-gooders" on Thursday evening last week when I had my husband drive me to the Emergency Room for the treatment of intense, day-long stomach pains.  The care I received was stellar (as I mentioned, I live in the 'Burgh -- a place known for ketchup, sports teams, medical hospitals galore, tech, and banking ventures), and in no time, I was diagnosed with gastritis, medicated, and sent home feeling so much better!

When you feel down or need a hand, I hope you'll "look for the helpers."  And, consider being one of them whenever you can.  We all need help in this world, and God gave us each other.  

How can I help you?  Feel free to leave me a voice message through Clicking This Link and leaving your mental health and/or spiritual questions, and I'll be happy to help by answering it in an upcoming podcast for you!   Or, send me an email with your prayer request:

In His Love,
