How to Stand - Lessons From the Mighty Saguaro Cactus

How to Stand - Lessons From the Mighty Saguaro Cactus
Having just gotten back with my family from Tucson, Arizona (refreshed and exhausted from jet lag!), I am thinking about the majestic Saguaro cactus.  Above is a completely real photo with no editing of one of the amazing views we got at sunset as we drove through Saguaro National Park.

We went to have a reunion of sorts with my husband's side of the family to celebrate his parents' 60th Wedding Anniversary.  So, we all packed that week full of neat sights and experiences together, and that is one of the things the Saguaro cactus has going for it, too.

You see, a Saguaro cactus can grow to be around 40 feet high and can live to be about 150-200 years old.  It's remarkable, but it doesn't do it alone.  The saguaro typically grows in "stands."   This means that it grows along with many, many other saguaros on a large patch of land.  All the cacti standing together and growing upward.

That's the importance of community for us as Christians, too.  We grow upward to God by standing together for the things of God alongside others who value the same.  

Maybe you have a tribe standing with you, and maybe you don't....yet.  Maybe you just haven't found the right tribe fit for you.  It's okay, no judgement and no pressure.  It's just that healthy connections build health.

Here are the three take-aways I want to give you today...

1) Stand, Growing Up Toward God and With Others Growing the Same Way

2) Set Effective Boundaries- The Saguaro has protection for itself in its prickly spines so that it doesn't get eaten by ravenous animals.  It isn' mean to say "no" and set parameters for how much access toxic things or people have to us...even if that means no access in certain situations.  Protecting yourself from that which is trying to hurt you is okay.

3) Store Up Nutrients and Hydration when times are good.  Praying, Bible Reading, Building Healthy relationships during times of ease helps make the times of desert easier to survive and gives more nourishment that is easier to draw from.  The Saguaro takes in water and makes it into food that it can live off of in difficult times of desert.

So, if you are drained by those in your circle, or lacking a circle, or even if you are blessed with a great circle to stand with, the importance is to cultivate where you are so that you can bloom and have support whether you are in a season of lush growth or a desert season.  Just like the saguaro who thrives anyway.

This week's podcast is on 17 Things that can sabotage our flourishing and how to think more helpfully.  If you haven't already tuned in, you can listen to it by clicking the link.

Lastly, if you are longing for a place to stand with others, grow, and heal, I invite you to check out the Mental Health for Christian Women membership community.  We'd love to have you join us.