Gaining Space, Clarity, and Rest in Everyday Life

Gaining Space, Clarity, and Rest in Everyday Life
On this week's podcast which, if you missed it, you can hear here I talked about hacks for gaining space, clarity, and rest in everyday life.

I mention that I went to a dark sky park this past weekend with my family and how incredibly soothing and calming it was to look up at the sky without light pollution, to breathe fresh air, and to be present with people I love, while watching God's creation above me.  

What I didn't mention was that I went on a date with my husband to our local science center and saw the Pixar exhibit where they showed the science behind how their movies are made.  

I. Loved. It.

I learned so much about lighting, and rendering, and sculpting, and modeling of characters and how much detail goes into each still shot
for the story to layout before it all comes together into the movie that we see in theatres.

It takes thousands of computers and so many people working in their zones of genius to make things like Toy Story, Monsters, Inc., and Inside Out come to life, but the really cool thing is that when these people go to work on these movies, they have fun.

There's space to create.   One middle-aged executive was shown riding a scooter in the middle of the business complex, and another was using the gym.

Pixar knows that to create at a high level of excellence that you need space to play and space for things to work.  Its a way to work smarter, not harder.

You and I can do that, too, by taking time to rest, to play, and to enjoy life.

Do you want to hear more on this topic? Take a listen to this week's podcast episode by clicking here.

Finding God Amidst the Darkness: A Message of Hope and Reflection

Finding God Amidst the Darkness: A Message of Hope and Reflection
This morning, I responded to a heartfelt email from a woman with a beautiful spirit but a broken heart. She’s a member of the Mental Health for Christian Women Membership Community, where she has access to regular personal email coaching from me. Her message was filled with questions about the nature of God in a world that often seems full of pain and suffering.

It became clear that the insights I shared with her might also resonate with you. While I won’t delve into the specifics of her situation, many of us grapple with understanding God’s role when faced with the harsh realities of life.

Here’s a summary of what I shared with her:

Understanding God Through the Lens of His Goodness

James 1:17 tells us, “Every good and perfect gift comes from God the Father.” When we question God’s nature and His protection amid suffering, it helps to remember that the best reflection of who He is can often be found within ourselves.
Consider the qualities in you that seek to protect, care, and love. The parts of you that hope for purity and strive to overcome pain—these are echoes of God’s nature. He is not the source of pain, destruction, or perversion. Instead, He is the one who comforts us and overcomes evil, both in this life and in Heaven.

God is constant—“the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). The evil we see in the world is not of Him, which is why it feels so foreign and distressing to us. God has made a way for us, defeating the enemy and ensuring that death has lost its sting (1 Corinthians 15:55-57).

In struggles, remember that “crying may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5). God walks with us through our battles, providing comfort, direction, strength, and hope that will never be cut off. He is not passive; He is the peace that surpasses understanding and the power over evil (Phillipians 4:7).

You can see God’s heart in your own desire to protect innocence and fight for good. The doubts, guilt, shame, fear, and pain are not from Him. Rather, He is actively pushing back the darkness that seeks to overtake His children.

I hope this message brings you comfort and perspective, just as I hoped it would for my virtual coaching friend.

If you would like to join the membership community, and get personal coaching like this in your email box to help you with your questions and goals, you can learn more, and sign-up : Clck Here


  • Reflect God’s Nature: When you struggle to understand God, look at the good and caring qualities within yourself as reflections of His nature.
  • Embrace God’s Goodness: Remember that every good thing comes from God. He is the source of all that is pure and loving.
  • Separate Evil from God: Understand that pain, destruction, and perversion are not from God. He is here to free us from these effects.
  • Find Comfort in His Constancy: God remains the same throughout time. His promises and His nature are steadfast.
  • Hold onto Hope: Even in difficult times, trust that joy will come and that God is with you during your trials.
  • Recognize His Work in You: Your desire to protect and fight for good is a sign of God working through you.
  • Push Back Darkness: Know that God is actively involved in combating the darkness in your life and in the world.
If you missed this week's podcast on a related topic, “Overcoming Religious Abuse and Cult Trauma - An Interview with Guest Liza Lovett, Part 1 of 2,” you can listen to it here.

In His Love,