In this week's podcast, I talk about how I couldn't "fit" into a pair of designer jeans when I was 11 years old, and Jordache was all the rage. I was disappointed, of course, but there was no way I was going to get those slender jeans over my thighs and hips, even at 11! I just wasn't fitting into them. Or, could it be that they weren't fitting "me."
You see, we can look at it as if we don't fit, but the reality is that the circumstances, people, or clothing may not be fits for us!
You see, we can look at it as if we don't fit, but the reality is that the circumstances, people, or clothing may not be fits for us!
You aren't made to fit in. You were created to do God's will.
Have you ever considered that you were made for more and something better than the thing that "everybody" seems to want in on?
Not everybody wants in on God, but everybody has a special place they "fit" into His plan, if they'll see through His eyes.
Your identity comes from Christ alone. Your identity does not come from the fact that you fit into jeans or not. You cannot believe a lie and live in the truth. Refuse the lies that steal your peace from your true identity in Christ.
Peace comes from knowing the Prince of Peace. Find your identity in Him.
You weren't created to settle for things, you were created to shine your unique beauty and gifts for Him. That's the best fit and always is stylish....unlike Jordache jeans which fade away.
To hear more on this topic, listen to this podcast: Know Your Real Identity and Purpose
You weren't created to settle for things, you were created to shine your unique beauty and gifts for Him. That's the best fit and always is stylish....unlike Jordache jeans which fade away.
To hear more on this topic, listen to this podcast: Know Your Real Identity and Purpose

prayer, does God hear us when we pray, what does it mean when we feel our prayers aren't answered