When Your Prayers Don't Feel Heard

When Your Prayers Don't Feel Heard
Have you ever felt like your prayers are just floating up into the sky and not being heard?  While you are feeling that; it is not actually the case.  

1 John 5:14-15 says this...

"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  
And if we know that he hears us--whatever we ask--we know that we have what we asked of him."

The way I look at it, God knows what we really need, and He knows what is best for our good and His purposes.  So, if we don't get what we are praying for, it could be that He isn't going to give us something that isn't for ultimate good.  In other words, could it be that God answers, but the answer at times is "No, not yet, not now, not that way, or it's on its way?"

Trusting that God is good. PERIOD.  End of the thought.  Point made.  Whether we feel it, believe it, or know it, it doesn't matter because truth doesn't change.  Truth is truth no matter whether we believe it or not. 

And, Jesus doesn't change.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, according to Hebrews 13:8.

So, if Jesus is God, and He is, and God is good, and He is, then, God's inherent goodness and love for us does not change no matter how we understand what He is doing and no matter if we don't.

This is faith.  This is trust.  This is where contentment and peace can be found.  

After all, it isn't about us; it's about Him.  And, in His goodness, He laid down His life in love for us.

So, if you feel that God isn't hearing you when you pray, think again.  

The One who came to offer Himself as a sacrifice of love and salvation for you and me wouldn't be who He is if He didn't want to meet your needs.

For more about this, check out the related podcast episode: When Your Prayers Don't Feel Heard