What to do When I am Exhausted?

What to do When I am Exhausted?
Are you exhausted?  Like, it's just too much, exhausted?

Yeah, I feel it too.

Sometimes I'm exhausted because I put so much energy into something and haven't had enough time to regain personal and mental space to fill up on energy again.

What is taking up your energy recently?

How do you personally fill up on energy again?

Sometimes, I'm exhausted trying to please all the "red tape" things in life, like filling out tax forms, or taking the dog to the vet, remembering to pick up stamps, or keeping up with continuing education credits for my counseling license.

Sometimes I'm exhausted because I overthink things, and then I connect things to other things in my brain, and I need to turn my brain off for a bit because it's just too much.  And, sometimes, I'm just physically tired.  

I know you've been there.

Exhaustion is a real thing. 

We can see more clearly and not get caught up in a lot of noise in our heads or from the world around us.

To hear more on this topic, listen to this podcast: 15 Therapist Sayings that Can Help You


The SHINE  Subscription, is about to go live this Saturday, February 15, 2025. The SHINE Subscription is like having a personal coach, a friend, a devotional partner, and a daily planner right at your fingertips as it gives you bite-sized prompts and helpful downloadable tools to use as you go through your day as well as helpful suggestions and mental health tips each week. Best of all, it is just $16 a month to subscribe to something that can definitely make life simpler.  

The first two weeks of the SHINE subscription focus on the concept of rest: personal rest/spiritual rest, and resting in God and include other helpful resources for managing life with less stress. I hope you'll join when it becomes available this Saturday, February 15, 2025.

Each month will have a new theme of focus, so that we can dig deep together and continue to grow and glow in the Lord and in our mental health.

For now, though, I invite you to take a moment and breathe deeply...just for a moment, take in a really slow, deep breath, and slowly, slowly release it.  Rinse and repeat.  This helps your nervous system to reset when you're exhausted, overwhelmed, or stressed, and it just feels so  good when your muscles can  relax and be reenergized.

Gaining Space, Clarity, and Rest in Everyday Life

Gaining Space, Clarity, and Rest in Everyday Life
On this week's podcast which, if you missed it, you can hear here I talked about hacks for gaining space, clarity, and rest in everyday life.

I mention that I went to a dark sky park this past weekend with my family and how incredibly soothing and calming it was to look up at the sky without light pollution, to breathe fresh air, and to be present with people I love, while watching God's creation above me.  

What I didn't mention was that I went on a date with my husband to our local science center and saw the Pixar exhibit where they showed the science behind how their movies are made.  

I. Loved. It.

I learned so much about lighting, and rendering, and sculpting, and modeling of characters and how much detail goes into each still shot
for the story to layout before it all comes together into the movie that we see in theatres.

It takes thousands of computers and so many people working in their zones of genius to make things like Toy Story, Monsters, Inc., and Inside Out come to life, but the really cool thing is that when these people go to work on these movies, they have fun.

There's space to create.   One middle-aged executive was shown riding a scooter in the middle of the business complex, and another was using the gym.

Pixar knows that to create at a high level of excellence that you need space to play and space for things to work.  Its a way to work smarter, not harder.

You and I can do that, too, by taking time to rest, to play, and to enjoy life.

Do you want to hear more on this topic? Take a listen to this week's podcast episode by clicking here.

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