I think this is more of a prevalent thing that comes up from time to time when working with Christian women in the counseling room or in coaching type things. And that is that they are the exception, that they are an exception to the way God works, that they are the exception to how things go or what they can trust in.

All the Candy Is Yours!

They are the exception as far as not being good enough. And so that lie keeps them from stepping into all of the power that's there for them. It's like being in a candy shop as a kid and someone says, go wild. It's all yours. And we just leave all the candy. Like, oh, no, I've got to go home. And we just leave all of the things there in this candy shop, and there's so much power. We have power in gumballs.
We have power in those cinnamon hard candies. We have power in chewing gum and whatever else you could think of. Twizzlers and Twix and Hershey bars. Whatever. Okay? There's power in this metaphor. If each of those candy bars had a power, then you'd get something good from each one of them, right?

So in the Bible, there are promises, and each one of them has something good for you. But if you don't pick it up and you don't chew on it and you don't claim it as yours, and you don't use it for what it's intended to be used for, you're letting power just kind of be left on the table, left in the candy store, left not impacting your life. It's like walking out of that candy store.

You Are Good Enough; You Are Making an Impact

It's walking away from this power that's already yours. And that is such a common misconception of how it works. We have to be good enough for God to approve of us. We are not good enough. We're faulty. We are less than. Those are the things that a lot of times Christian women come into care for, and they're so not based on truth or reality. I just talked to a woman this morning who was saying that she was hoping she made some sort of impact in the world.

Well, how could she not? Like, you don't have to hope for it. Just do it. It's already something you do. Every time you do something, you're making an impact, right? If I hold the door open for somebody, I'm making an impact. Don't qualify those things as whether they're big enough or good enough or whether they're too bad stuff does make an impact. It might be neutral impact. It might be a positive impact might be a negative impact. You're making an impact.

But the better question would be what am I going to do today to intentionally take steps to make an impact in an area that God's calling me to or in an area I'd like to? What would that be? I will make an impact. I do make an impact and I can choose to do that even more. I can choose to do that more times. I can choose to do that more broadly. Maybe the impact is I buy back to school supplies for a kid or I could fill a bus or I could ask a bus rental company, hey, would you come here and then put out flyers and all the community can come and fill a bus. Fill a bus with school supplies. Okay? Whatever level you do, whatever you do on is fine. You're having an impact.

It's a Done Deal with Jesus as Your Savior

Don't let the lies of the enemy minimize. Don't let the way you feel about your capabilities minimize. God is not a God who didn't equip you, who messed up, who didn't make you right. Jesus is not a savior whose blood didn't cover it all. It covered all. And if you accept Jesus as your savior and live with Him as your savior, it is a done deal. You are good enough because He is good enough. And God made you!

So you've got things good going for you. Don't believe the lies. You already are saved. You already are valuable. You already are enough as the beautiful human creation that God poured into you and the fact that you've chosen God and He is in you and greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world and God's got you. So you can definitely say I am enough because you were purchased with a valuable price.

There Is an Endless Supply 

When people think those promises in the Bible don't apply to me, yes they do. They may not be helpful to you if you don't believe them, if you don't let them apply to you, but they are there for the taking. Just like the candy. Only this is like a refillable candy store, right? You can take and it'll just keep replenishing. You can go back for more. You can ask your heavenly Father for what you need more of. You have resources and power and knowing that you're not going to use it up. It's an endless supply from God. You can get the things that you need to do, the things that you're doing, things that you're called to. And the way you get that is by believing in God's Word and His truth.

Say No to the Bully

I encourage you to go take a look at scripture. It's important to know the tools in your toolbox. Truth, power, substance those already are things you can bring to the table because they've already been given to you.  If you doubt yourself, please stop. That doesn't do anybody any favors. That's like saying, oh, the enemy is a bully, and, well, the bully said mean things, so now I can't have fun playing.
Oh, what do you do with a bully? You tell your daddy. You tell a teacher, get the big guy in charge. And you say, I don't like that bully. And then what's? The parents say, don't let him bully you. Okay? Right. I don't have to stay to be bullied. I don't have to engage with fights that I'm not a part of, that God has already won. I can be powerful. I can make an impact. I can be free in Christ because of who God is. And make those affirmations and those declarations in your life. 

Go take on the day.