This week has been absolutely crazy.
We've had a car in the shop. My counseling practice has needed me to spend hours on so many pieces of extra paperwork due to it being time for an insurance attestation (don't ask---it's been a nightmare!) And, of course, nothing is cooperating tech-wise, and I'm ready to throw the tech out the window 😩. Yet, there are so many blessings.
We've had a car in the shop. My counseling practice has needed me to spend hours on so many pieces of extra paperwork due to it being time for an insurance attestation (don't ask---it's been a nightmare!) And, of course, nothing is cooperating tech-wise, and I'm ready to throw the tech out the window 😩. Yet, there are so many blessings.
What has been a blessing to you this week?
I'll bet you have felt this way at times, too. It's like there are so many good things, and yet, there are stressors.
The key to managing everything is self talk and prayer.
I'll bet you have felt this way at times, too. It's like there are so many good things, and yet, there are stressors.
The key to managing everything is self talk and prayer.
How are you talking to yourself? Positively or negatively?
How you talk to yourself matters. You can either speak soothing, encouraging words, and words of patience to uplift yourself, or you can speak the language of stress, put downs, and labeling.
And of course, prayer always helps! Let me tell you, I've been positive self-talking' and praying a whole lot this past week!
Well, here's to rejoicing in the good things, trusting God always, and enduring the stressors of life with grace.
How you talk to yourself matters. You can either speak soothing, encouraging words, and words of patience to uplift yourself, or you can speak the language of stress, put downs, and labeling.
And of course, prayer always helps! Let me tell you, I've been positive self-talking' and praying a whole lot this past week!
Well, here's to rejoicing in the good things, trusting God always, and enduring the stressors of life with grace.
To hear more on this topic, listen to this podcast: 1 Powerful Way to Feel More Confident and Have Better Relationships.

In Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, this morning it was 2 degrees Fahrenheit below zero and that is just not something that I think is acceptable. However, God didn't ask me when He made snow, but I'm pretty sure freezing is a result of the fall of man? I don't like it when I go to clean my car's windshield and the wiper fluid freezes into a firework pattern and blocks my view further, it's really annoying.
I'm not going to settle with spending every winter for the rest of my life in Pittsburgh in the cold and snow. My husband and I have plans to be snowbirds in retirement in Florida years from now. We don't plan on settling for freezing from December through March.
You too, don't have to settle.
There are times in life where we have to muddle through some things that are not pleasant so that we can get to the really great things that make life worthwhile. However, settling with something that isn't good for you or not God's best for you is like setting yourself up to accept less than for the long haul. Why would anyone want to do that?!
What is something you have been settling for?
Sometimes it's fear, or a preference for the things we are familiar with or have access to more immediately, and sometimes, it's a lack of faith that is more attainable.
Lord willing, my husband and I are having faith and taking actions to work toward snowbirding in Florida someday because we see no reason to settle for frozen toes and fingertips occurring simply to let the dogs out or try to get to work in a frozen car when the sun and warmth are there in Florida for the taking.
God has a plan for you!
To hear more on this topic, listen to this podcast: Stop Settling and Trust God's Plan. Click here to listen.